Event return on investment is so important and often overlooked – it’s really worth setting some measurable objectives for every event you do to ensure you can measure your return on investment.

Face-to-face interaction is the best way to create meaningful relationships, which is why trade shows and industry events are so valuable to marketers.  However, we all know events can be expensive which makes it even more important that you get a good ROI.

ROI Exhibtiion Stand

You don’t need a large space to gain a return on investments for events – making a big impact in a small space is actually easier than it might seem!  Working with your exhibition stand designer you will be able to create a high-impact but small exhibition stand design.

Your stand design needs to be functional and impressive, but it is the work you do prior to the show, at the show and after the show that will impact the ROI you gain from your events.

Here are some ideas to maximise your ROI – even in a small space!

Pre-Exhibition Marketing

Develop a creative pre-show marketing strategy – generate excitement to visit your stand prior to the show.  Think about how you may add value to the visit for the prospect or gain commitment and book appointments prior to the show.  Make sure visitors know where to find you and if you have a theme for your stand tell them what to look for!  Use social media alongside the event’s campaigns to create a buzz.

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Our team is ready to assist!

Stand Design and Function

While the stand-alone won’t give you the ROI you need it goes without saying you need your booth to stand out from the crowd and be appealing to visitors.  Make sure you employ a good stand designer to help you maximize impact in whatever size space you have.  However, don’t feel if you don’t have a big space you can’t compete – very often people who take large spaces can’t afford to fill them or don’t have activities to draw in the crowd.  Make sure your stand has substance, be clear on what you have to offer and why they need it, and do that in the most creative way you can, especially if you are in a very corporate environment.  Make it a fun stand to visit.  Use demonstrations, unusual refreshments or giveaways and most of all make it memorable!


Exhibition Staff Training and targets

Remember your exhibition stand staff are your company ambassadors.  If you train and incentivise them, it’s more likely they will deliver.  Choose staff with the right attributes – friendly, enthusiastic and knowledgeable people are the best for the job.  Assign stand management to drive the team to meet targets that you set before the show and make sure staff have plenty of breaks so they are refreshed.


After-Show Follow up

Follow up is cruital – make sure you find ways to differentiate yourself to the other companies also following up after the show.  It is so important to put as much energy in to your follow up strategy as you di with getting to the show.

Remind them of your stand – put a photo in any communication – have a follow up plan over time – you may not be successful on the first attempt. Make it personal, if you have captured information at the show use that to personalise what you send them.

Read our blog post on Essential Follow up.

Measure your Success!

As with any marketing campaigns the only way to gauge success is to measure it.

Look at cost per lead and cost per sale and compare this to other marketing activities you do.