Exhibitions and Trade shows are amazingly powerful – we have a history of over 150 years in this country of holding them.

What are the benefits of Trade Shows?

True permission marketing- we are bombarded with marketing messages each and every day nearly all of which are intrusive– how many other marketing methods deliver bring people that want to buy or want to be sold to?

Five senses

You can stimulate different senses at a show – taste, touch, sound, smell, sight. Senses create an emotional experience for the visitor on your exhibition stand.

Live performance

Bring your brand to life with live demonstrations and personal interaction.

Conversation beats communication

A trade show is one of the best ways to ask for opinions and offer solutions in such a quick and easy way. Compared to other marketing methods, it’s the most direct way to interact with customers.

Need help with your next exhibition?
Our team is ready to assist!

Ultimately Trade shows deliver buyers to your door.

Results Of Tradeshows

Trade Events deliver buyers

74% of visitors are personally involved in selecting, recommending, or buying products and services.

Tradeshow results are many – here are some of the typical ones:

  • An increase in sales of products or services.
  • Marketing to the target audience whether they are visiting the show or not.
  • Awareness through utilising social media and trade press or platforms.
  • You can look to gain a new network at shows, of suppliers and partners.
  • Media Coverage, through the many platforms available.


Future Trade Shows

Trade show exhibitions are easy to measure. You can track where a lead comes from and the results you get from each event you attend. This will enable you to

  • Track your budget
  • Count leads
  • Count orders
  • Calculate ROI (return on investment) or ROO (return on Objective)
  • Work out which event is the most effective

By measuring you can demonstrate which shows you can invest in in the future and which to ditch.