Exhibiting at the Pharmacy Show at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham is a valuable opportunity to showcase products, connect with industry professionals, and gain exposure in the pharmaceutical sector. It is the largest sourcing and networking event for pharmacy professionals in the UK. Running over two days with more than 200 event speakers, 300 suppliers and 150 educational sessions, it gives all in the pharmaceutical sector a valuable path to enhance their presence in a competitive yet vital area of British industry.

When is The Pharmacy Show?

The Pharmacy Show is being held at the NEC in Birmingham, one of the UK’s leading exhibition venues,  on October 13-14th. Held for pharmacy professionals to network, learn and become inspired, it gives those in the industry an incredible chance to meet distributors, thought leaders, and other experts within the field. Each day starts at 9am with a 6pm close on the Sunday and 430pm on the Monday.

How can I register to exhibit at The Pharmacy Show?

If you wish to become an exhibitor at The Pharmacy Show for this year or future events you should contact the event organisers directly. They can then answer any questions about becoming an exhibitor including exhibition stand use, costs associated with exhibiting and any deadlines you may need to meet.

Who is exhibiting at The Pharmacy Show?

Hopefully you!

The Pharmacy Show is packed full of leading names within the pharmaceutical industry and those associated with it. Currently booked on the list of exhibitors for 2024 are Allied Health Training, Ciga Healthcare, Meditech, Pfizer UK Ltd and Trudell Medical among many others.

Your guide to exhibiting at The Pharmacy Show

If you plan to attend The Pharmacy Show as an exhibitor this year or in the future, you should do a few things before attending. Following our tips will help you make the most of your visit.

1. Understand the event

Research: Gather information about the Pharmacy Show including the demographics of attendees, the size and scale of the event, past exhibitors, and what to expect. You will be face-to-face with hundreds of people throughout the exhibition and must adapt to the different needs of each person who visits your stand.

91% of previous visitors to the event met suppliers or learnt about products they had not had the time to meet or learn about before. You can make yourself part of that statistic.

Event Goals: Define what you want to achieve, such as lead capture, launching products, or increasing brand awareness. With a clear objective for your attendance, you can have a better understanding of the best ways to interact, staff your event stand and who to approach.

2. Register as an exhibitor

Book Your Space: Contact the organisers of The Pharmacy Show as early as possible to book your space. The prime locations can sell out quickly. With buyers, wholesalers, pharmacy professionals and distributors all under one roof, you want to make sure you are part of the show ahead of everyone else!

Choose the Right Space: Select a space for your exhibition stand that suits the traffic flow and puts you in the right position for the people likely to pass by. Certain aspects of the industry may suit being in different locations to others due to the visitor’s specific sections draw in.

  1. Plan your Stand

Design: Ensure your stand design stands out and reflects your brand identity. It should be inviting and equipped to display your products or services effectively. You could take advantage of the free exhibition stand design service we offer to all exhibitors where we make sure that your stand perfectly echoes your brand message.  Contact us with your brief or reach out to our experts for additional support.

We work with several exhibitors and help them with the installation and dismantling of event stands at shows. This allows exhibitors to spend time focused on the more important aspects of their attendance.

Should you need help to elevate your brand at The Pharmacy Show, speak to the team at Starlight. We are the experts in creating engaging, welcoming and captivating exhibition stands. Whether you need a lightbox display to illuminate a brand message or want to enhance your green credentials with a sustainable exhibition stand, we can help. Contact us today and allow us to transform your presence at The Pharmacy Show.

Technology: Consider interactive media for your exhibition stand such as digital displays, tablets for interactive presentations, or a VR setup to engage visitors. Drawing a crowd through the exhibition stand can mean a large part of your job is done already. It now just comes down to how your team interact and helps enhance your brand message.

Promotional Materials: Have plenty of brochures, flyers, business cards, and potential exhibition giveaways ready.

4. Promote Your presence

Pre-Show Marketing: Use email campaigns, social media, and your website to announce your participation and invite customers and prospects to visit your booth. Finding out who is attending in advance can be useful as you may be able to source opportunities for collaboration or invite these attendees to your stand.

Networking Opportunities: Identify networking events during the show where you can meet potential clients or partners. And, using the list of attendees, seek out those who you think you should be making a beeline for.

5. Optimise your staffing

Train Your Staff: Make sure everyone staffing the booth is knowledgeable about your products and trained on customer engagement techniques. One of the most vital aspects of this is ensuring that your team understand your event objectives. If you are trying to sell products but they are focussing on demos and lead gen, you may be missing out on hitting the exhibition KPIs you set yourself.

6. Engage attendees

Interactive Elements: Consider having interactive elements like product demos, contests, or Q&A sessions. The more possibilities for engagement, the more likely you can convert prospects into leads and leads into sales.

Data Capture: Have a system in place to collect contact information from visitors for follow-up. Read our blog about data capture.

7. Follow-Up after the event

Timely Follow-Up: Contact leads gathered at the show promptly after the event. Personalize communication to reflect the interactions you had at the show.

Evaluate Performance: Review what worked well and what could be improved for future shows. Measure the ROI based on your initial goals.

8. Logistics and travel

Accommodation: Book your accommodation early as hotels near the NEC can fill up quickly during major events. The event actually has several discounts set up for attendees using hotels nearby. In a partnership with a company called Event Express, attendees can book hotels at a discount and benefit from easy cancellation processes if needed.

Travel Arrangements: Plan how you’ll transport your booth materials and staff to the NEC, keeping in mind the timings for set-up and breakdown. The venue is accessible by car, train or plane allowing for a simple entry and exit for all visitors and exhibitors.

9. Compliance and regulations

Health and Safety: Familiarize yourself with the health and safety regulations of the NEC to ensure a safe environment for your staff and visitors.

Insurance: Ensure you have appropriate insurance covering liabilities and property damage.

By following these steps, you can maximize your impact at the Pharmacy Show and achieve your business objectives.