Investing some time and money into an exhibition is well worth it when you’re able to make a great impression on your customers and prospective buyers. If you’re taking part in an exhibition, you’ll want to make sure your backwall display really stands out from the crowd, so you can make the biggest impact and see the best results. Here are our five favourite tips to make the most of your backwall display at an exhibition.

Keep it clean and bold

Less really is more, especially with smaller exhibit spaces. A display with too much going on will look cluttered and unattractive, and your message may get lost. You should work with your exhibition designer to create simple, bold graphics, to promote your products and put your company in the best light.

Maximize your space

You’ll want to eliminate as many barriers to entry as possible, so visitors are able to freely enter your stand. So, create an open and inviting space by placing tables to the side of your display area instead of at the front. Place computer workstations and lockable counters against the backwall, so visitors are comfortable entering your space to learn more.

By splitting up the activities around your display, you can spread out visitor traffic. For example, place a conversation area with a table and chairs on one side and a demo area on the opposite side. This way visitors won’t feel crowded together.

Make it bright

Visitors are drawn to bright displays like moths to a flame, so make sure you use vibrant colours to bring people to you. Using lighter shades of colour in flooring and cabinetry can make your display look larger and more inviting. You could also use pops of colour in signage or carpet to provide an element of surprise. Top it all off with a backlit display stand and you’ll really glow on the show floor.

Engage your visitors

Once you grab the attention of passers-by with the right colours and layout, you need to give them a reason to stay. Attendees are at the show to learn about the different companies, so you should give them a way to see, hear, touch, taste, or smell your products. You can do this by using things like interactive tools, hands on demos, and free samples to get your visitors involved with your product and trying it first-hand.

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Get your tech on

As new technologies are developed, we are seeing new opportunities for exhibitors to better leverage smaller floor plans at exhibitions. You should aim to implement some level of technology in your display, by using big screens, touch screens, and even augmented reality to draw people in and get them engaged with your product.

Remember, it’s not the size of your budget or your display that determines how successful you will be at an exhibition. Strong design, creativity, and good stand management are all major factors in trade show success. Even those on lower budgets can create stunning exhibition stands that attendees will love, and the right features will keep people coming back again and again.