Once you have decided on the layout of your exhibition stand you need to think carefully about your exhibition stand graphics.  It’s important that a passer-by can quickly see who you are, what you do and what you can do for them.

Typically, your graphic designer or agency may work on smaller projects such as websites, brochures or posters.  Designing for large format graphics is a very different process.  These graphics will be observed from a distance, meaning that the design has to demand attention and be high in quality.

There are many common mistakes that happen when people are designing for large format print.

Collinson Exhibition Stand

Too much text on your exhibition stand?

A very common mistake is trying to give too much information in text format and trying to recreate your brochure on your stand.   You need to ensure your messaging provides an understanding of what you do while creating intrigue so that visitors will ask your staff more about your company.

Have you considered the exhibition attendees’ perspectives?

You need to think about how attendees will view the text and images and where their eye line will be.  Common mistakes are placing text or images too low down or using designs that are too complex.

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Stand Graphic Image resolution

Make sure you use high-resolution images – large format printing will pixelate if you don’t have a high-quality image.

Colour Usage On Stands

Choosing colours on screen can cause problems as they may not look like that once they are printed so to solve this problem use Pantone references and supply those to your designer.  Pantone colours are universally recognised amongst printers.  Alternatively, use CMYK.

Choosing the right Fonts for Exhibitions

There isn’t necessarily a best font for exhibit text, but a font can look different depending on the size. Fonts with delicate, sophisticated features may appear blurry when transferred from a smaller image to a larger one. The wrong font can also make your text hard to read, as certain letters may look different from a distance.

Supplying artwork and templates for your exhibition designer

Make sure you speak to your exhibition designer about how they need the artwork supplied and if they can supply templates for your designer to work with to save time.

At Nomadic, we understand the powerful influence exhibition display graphics have on your audience at face-to-face events.  They play a critical role in drawing attention and communicating your company’s personality, style and message.

We can design your message for you in line with your company branding or you can supply artwork from your designers.  We’ll work with you to create a powerful look and message to entice visitors to your stand.  Contact us to find out more about our services or to ask questions about your large format design.